
Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common, highly disruptive problem. It may be caused by mechanical issues and soft tissue injuries. These injuries can include a wide range of conditions, including damage to the intervertebral discs, improper movement of the spinal joints, and nerve roots compression.

Causes of Chronic Lower Back Pain

If the pain lasted for more than three months, it is considered chronic. Common causes of chronic lower back pain include lumbar herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, facet joint dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and spinal stenosis.

Lower back pain can also be caused by a muscle strain or ligament sprain. Strains occur when the muscle is stretched too far and tears. Sprain, on the other hand, happens when this over-stretching and tearing affects the ligaments, the structures that connect bones together.

Sprain and strain can be caused by improperly lifting heavy objects, sudden movements that place too much stress on the lower back, poor posture, and twisting or large forces of impact.

Diagnosing and Treating Lower Back Pain at Ozark Orthopaedics Spine Center

To determine the most appropriate treatment for you, your doctor at Ozark Orthopaedics Spine Center will conduct a thorough physical examination. You will also be asked about your symptoms and medical history. Imaging studies may also be ordered to determine structural problems of the back.

The treatment will depend on the cause and the severity of the pain. In many cases, the doctor will recommend a combination of treatments to provide you the best results. Some of the treatments available at Ozark Orthopaedics Spine Center include:

– Spinal manipulation
– Physiotherapy
– Cold laser therapy
– Massage therapy
– Ultrasound

Are you ready to find relief for your lower back pain and improve your quality of life? You may call us at (479) 521-2752 to request an appointment or click the button below.