
What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative Medicine in Arkansas - Ozark Orthopaedics

What is Regenerative Medicine?

What is Regenerative Medicine?

In the past, chronic pain or loss of function limited sufferers to only a few options – medications, steroid injections, or surgery. Now, there is a growing practice in medicine that’s changing that – regenerative medicine.

Regenerative medicine refers to the process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues, or organs for the purpose of restoring or ‘normalizing’ a certain body function.

“Regenerative medicine itself is not new. However, it’s only been used recently for pain management applications” says Spine Specialist, Dr. Mark Miedema of Ozark Orthopaedics.

How does Regenerative Medicine work?

Regenerative medicine works by stimulating the body’s natural healing process.

In Dr. Miedema’s practice, he uses a concentrated protein derived from a donated amniotic membrane and umbilical cord and injects it into the injured area. Doing so helps in reducing scarring, inflammation, and pain.

“The goal is to improve function and reduce pain by repairing the injured or inflamed tissue,” Dr. Miedema explains.

Additionally, acute and chronic pain can be treated with regenerative medicine.

In his practice, Dr. Miedema had success in treating patients in the neck, lower back, degenerative disc, and for several types of arthritis.

Who is an ideal candidate for regenerative medicine?

According to Dr. Miedema, regenerative medicine is a good alternative to medicine, steroid injections, and surgery if not desired, indicated, or if the patient can’t do surgery for other medical reasons.

“It is an option for patients of any age looking to stay active and relieve pain,” says Dr. Miedema.

If you are a candidate for regenerative medicine, schedule an in-office consultation. To request an appointment, please call (479) 521-2752.